When a task needs to be assigned to a team or shift rather than one particular individual, you can create a Task Group. Task Groups are used to share a workload across team members or shifts where any member of the group may complete the Task. Setting up a Task Group is easy and recommended for Tasks like Equipment Inspections, Daily shift logs and Work Orders. Task Groups can be set at the Plant level or the Company level.
To Access the Task Group area of the Portal Website select the Tasks tab and then Task Groups.

If you do not see Task Groups, then your permissions are not high enough to create or modify Task Groups.
In the Task Groups page, you can View the list by Group,

Or by Employee.

Adding a new Task Group is as simple as clicking the Red Add Button in the top right corner of the page. This is not available when viewing by Employee.

Select whether this Task Group will be a Company level group or a Plant group and give it a name then select Save.

Now you will need to add members to your Task Group, select the Edit Group Membership icon located to the right of the Task Group Name.

Simply select the box next to an employee’s name to make them a member of this Task Group.

Select Save at the bottom of the list and your Task Group now has members.
One of the major advantages to using a Task Group is when an employee is out sick or leaves the Department or Company. With a Task Group you simply remove that user from the group and add their replacement. The days of rebuilding a task when someone leaves are in the past.
With a Task Group your supervisors have piece of mind knowing that all members of a Task Group will receive reminders and/or notifications for Tasks but only one member needs to complete the task.
You can also delete a Task Group if it is no longer needed. Select the Red X located to the right of Task Group Name to delete the Task Group but not the employees from the plant.