Learn How To Utilize The Region Editor In APSM
At APSM, our PSM software makes it easy to view areas within your company by creating regions. For example, you may have groups of plants within your company. To provide oversight of these plants or regions, you can utilize the region editor to group these plants together.
With the Region Editor, a company or multi-company administrator can create and manage specific regions. You can then view those regions within the Compliance Snapshot.
For an overview of how to utilize the Region Editor within APSM, take a look at the following tutorial.
How Do I Add A Region In APSM
To add a Region in APSM follow these steps:
- Navigate to Tools > Administration > and select the Plant (within your Company) that you would like to create a Region for.
2. Select the Region Editor Button .

3. Within the View By Region Page, select the Add Button .

4. Enter a Region Title and select the Save Button .

How Do I Add Or Remove Plants To A Region?
There may be times that you need to alter your regions by adding or removing plants. To add or remove plants, follow these easy steps
1. From the View By Region Page, select the Edit Button to the right of the Region you want to adjust.

2. Select or deselect a Region to add or remove it from the Plant, then select the Save Button .

How Do I Delete A Region?
Perhaps your operations have changed and you no longer need a certain region. Be certain that you want to delete this region. Once deleted, you cannot undo the action.
Delete a region by following this step:
1. From the View By Region Page, select the Delete Button to the right of the Region you want to delete.

Have Questions? Want A Demo? Call APSM Today!
Are you a company administrator for your Ammonia Process Safety Management System? Do you have multiple plants you manage? Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to manage various regions by grouping them together, learn more about the functionality of our APSM software. Call us today if you have any questions or to get a demo of our PSM software system.